All of these kits use the incredible K16 keyer IC. K16-BAT runs on on board coin cells while the K16-EXT requires an external power source. K16-EMB is embedded inside an existing radio while K16-BK is a full featured keyer with pushbuttons, speed control, battery holder, and high voltage keying. Each kit is easy to build with all through hole components.
K16 Keyer Kit Features
- Double sided PCB with solder mask
- Board Dimensions: EXT: 2.0" x 1.25"
- BAT: 2.0" x 1.6"
- EMB: 2.125" x 1.5"
- BK: 3.75" x 3.0"
- Buffered keying outputs
- Message pushbutton interface
- Speed pot interface
- Iambic Paddle interface
K16 CW Keyer Kits - Four Versions
K16 Documentation
(Combined K16-EXT, K16-BAT, K16-EMB, K16-BK)
Copyright 2000-2020 - K1EL Systems LLC
The K16 Kits are undergoinging a revamp, look for them later this year.